Revamp Your Nest: Why Renovating May Just Beat Building New in Today's Recession

In the midst of our current recession, many of us find ourselves contemplating big decisions regarding our homes.  Should we uproot everything and build a new house, or should we roll up our sleeves and give our current home a much needed makeover?  Renovating, rather than constructing a brand new home, might just be the winning choice.  So grab a cuppa, pull up a pew and let's dive right in.

Cost-Effective Solution

Renovating your existing home can be a more financially savvy option during a recession.  Building a new house from scratch is a considerable investment.  While on the other hand, a renovation can be too, it’ll still be a significantly cheaper option.  Renovations can offer the opportunity to revitalise your space without breaking the bank.  By repurposing and reimagining existing areas, you can save a substantial chunk and still give your home a fresh lease on life. 

Maintaining Sentimental Value

Homes are often steeped in history and cherished memories.  Renovating allows you to preserve the sentimental value associated with your current home.  By enhancing its features, updating the layout or adding new elements, you can breathe new life into the place that has been the backdrop for so many important moments in your life.  There's no need to let go of that comforting sense of familiarity when you can simply spruce things up.

Less Environmental Impact

In this age of increasing environmental consciousness, renovating can be a greener choice.  Building a new house requires clearing land, consuming new materials (which are packaged excessively) and generating substantial waste.  By opting to renovate, you reduce your ecological footprint by reusing existing resources, minimising construction waste, and conserving energy.  It's a way to make a positive impact on the planet while making your house shine.

Adaptability to Changing Needs

As homeowners, your needs and priorities change over time.  Renovating allows us to tailor our homes to meet those evolving requirements.  Perhaps you need a bigger kitchen to accommodate your growing family or want to create a cozy retreat for grandchildren to visit.  Renovating grants you the flexibility to customise your space, making it adaptable to your specific lifestyle, without the hassle of starting from scratch.

Location, location, LOCATION

Often, you will already live in a great area.  You love your street, you love the school your kids attend and you have an existing community that has taken years to develop.  Building a new home usually requires up-rooting to a new area and doing this during a recession adds another layer of complexity, socially.  Stay where you are, but think big and make some changes.  You can have the best of both worlds…your fantastic location and a home re-designed perfectly to suit your needs.

In these uncertain economic times, it's natural to weigh the pros and cons of renovating versus building new.  However, choosing to renovate offers several compelling advantages.  It's cost-effective, preserving sentimental value, environmentally conscious, adaptable to changing needs and allows you to inhabit the location that you already love.  So, take a stroll around your home, think about what you need from your home, envision the possibilities and consider giving your beloved home a well-deserved renovation.  Trust me, your wallet and your heart will thank you.  Give me a call.  I’d love to chat to you about your renovation dreams.


Remember, home is where the heart is, and sometimes, all it needs is a little makeover to shine brighter than ever before.